Fahrenheit 451 essay

                                I remember reading this book my sophomore year. The only thing I got out of this book was that technology has taken over the society and censorship,  but the second time reading this I found out there’s a lot more to this book than I thought . So the question is what does this book offer to readers? It offers the readers to reconnect with the world around them like in one of his quotes it says “ you don’t have to burn books to destroy a culture. Just get people to stop reading them”.  Montages character changed through the story because of Clarisse. He found himself because of her. His whole life was sad and depressing. His wife Mildred was always watching tv.
                               In Fahrenheit 451 Guy Montag changes from a person who never thought about what’s outside his society and person who’s living a double life into a man That doesn’t care what people think about him and is actually himself. 
                              People can change because of the influence of other people. Montag changes from being a book burning to someone who seeks knowledge because of Clarisse McClellan. Montag  shows how he acted before he changed, after meeting Clarisse, and after meeting Faber.I feel like without influence of other people, they stay the way they already are. Montage ,  before he was influenced by Clarisse, acted as everyone else did in his society based on the future. 
                               Montag takes some time to think about his life .Something more is out there and he wants to know about it, he is not satisfied of being oblivious to the world He begins to look at things a little differently and it’s because of Clarisse. 
                              I saw a different perspective of the book the second time reading it. Montag felt trapped in a society where everyone is doing the same thing and are sucked into technology. Clarisse is seen as the weird kid because she notices the things around her and  enjoys little things while everyone else is just watching tv or burning books. 


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