
Showing posts from 2018

My learning was lit

This year I learned the following terms and I applied them as I read some pretty great stuff: Allusion: expression in your head without mentioning it Plot: the main event of a story Theme: a Topic or moral of a story Diction: the way you use words or phrases Syntax the arrangement of words Indirect characterization: when the personality is not revealed directly Direct characterization: when the author reveals the personality directly to the audience Static character: does not change, stays the same Dynamic character: changes throughout the story Symbolism: use symbols to represent ideas

Masterpiece academy classmates notes 05/17/18

Alondra: topic ; astrology She believes in the signs and your future. I also believe in that so learning that someone else is interested in this is pretty cool  . Her sign is cancer. Jose R: topic; barbering The most clients he had in a day is 21. Overtime he became passionate about it and he is his own boss. He wants to go to a beauty school in slo

Masterpiece academy classmates notes 05/15/18

Estephany: Topic; Ballet Folklorico It was very interesting especially since she put videos for us to watch. I can tell she was really interested in her topic. Juanita: Cosmetology; She really likes to do makeup and it looks like she has a passion for it. She really knows how to do makeup well

Fahrenheit 451 essay

                                I remember reading this book my sophomore year. The only thing I got out of this book was that technology has taken over the society and censorship,  but the second time reading this I found out there’s a lot more to this book than I thought . So the question is what does this book offer to readers? It offers the readers to reconnect with the world around them like in one of his quotes it says “ you don’t have to burn books to destroy a culture. Just get people to stop reading them”.  Montages character changed through the story because of Clarisse. He found himself because of her. His whole life was sad and depressing. His wife Mildred was always watching tv.                                 In  Fahrenheit 451  Guy Montag changes from a person who never thought about what’s outside his society and person who’s living a double life into a man That doesn’t care what people think about him and is actually himself.                                 People ca
                                                           What I see in literature                                         F. Scott Fitzgerald, is practically a wizard with the imagery he uses in the novel. For example; 1- when Tom passes through the valley of ashes Fitzgerald describes it as a really depressing place.He doesn’t use  the word depressing but the way he described it let’s the reader know it’s a sad place  2-how he describes Gatsbys parties. He creates like an intense picture for the reader 3-Fitzgerald also uses imagery for the characters, he describes how they look and how they behave in a different way.  I feel like these examples really describe the theme of Great Gatsby 
                                                            Gatsby essays            So how do readers define the American dream? I believe the American dream is having a big house and car. I also think having money is the big priority in the American dream. Jay Gatsby had everything every American wants but one thing he doesn’t have is friends and love. Gatsby became rich for daisy and moved closer to her to impress her. I feel like he forced her into the relationship. Yes she loved him once but maybe that changed.            I’ve always wanted the American dream like how Jay Gatsby has. Beautiful home and extravagant parties that I’ve never had a chance to see or been in. I relate more to nick because he lives around rich people, he lives in a small little house and is actually happy about that .      So to not make this really long and boring the answer to the question is everyone at one point thought about having the American dream, even if they have different perspectives on

Great Gatsby questions

1. Why do people think Gatsby killed a person? 2. Who is Myrtle Wilson and why is she important? 3. Does Nick believe Gatsby story about his past? 4. What type of guy is Jay Gatsby? 5. Do you think daisy knows about toms affair? 6. Why is Jordan dishonest? 7. What did Nick do during the summer? 8. Why did Gatsby move to west egg ? 9. Why is the guy in the party surprised that Gatsby has real books? 10. What does the saying “old sport “ say about Gatsby?