Gatsby essays
           So how do readers define the American dream? I believe the American dream is having a big house and car. I also think having money is the big priority in the American dream. Jay Gatsby had everything every American wants but one thing he doesn’t have is friends and love. Gatsby became rich for daisy and moved closer to her to impress her. I feel like he forced her into the relationship. Yes she loved him once but maybe that changed. 
          I’ve always wanted the American dream like how Jay Gatsby has. Beautiful home and extravagant parties that I’ve never had a chance to see or been in. I relate more to nick because he lives around rich people, he lives in a small little house and is actually happy about that .
     So to not make this really long and boring the answer to the question is everyone at one point thought about having the American dream, even if they have different perspectives on that subject. Gatsby did have the luxurious life, but he didn’t have one thing almost everyone else had which is love and happiness. He was alone that’s why he would throw parties to feel complete. 
      The American dream is about Gatsby wanting to gain wealth. He came from not having money to not knowing what to do with all the money he has. In conclusion the readers define the American dream like how almost everyone one else describes it, no one can live without it and that’s money. 


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